середа, 16 грудня 2015 р.

Англійські традиції.

Назва заходу: «English Traditions»
Форма: Брейн-ринг
Клас: 8-9 клас
Мета: виховувати та підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною мовою; розширити знання учнів про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається; формувати лінгвокраїнознавчу компетенцію школярів, розвинути в учнів навички слухання та говоріння; розвинути в учнів логічне мислення та пам'ять.
                                             Хід заходу
Teacher: Good morning, dear pupils, jury, our teams and guests! You are welcome to the intellectual English contest. The aim of our meeting is to show the students’ knowledge not only of English, but about the Literature and Geography as well, to widen the outlook and encourage students to speak. Our topic is English Traditions. Now I’d like to introduce our jury to you…

Teacher: Today two teams take part in our competition: the first team is represented by pupils of the eighth form. Let’s greet them (team names itself and tells their slogan).
Teacher: The second team is the pupils of ninth form. They are … (team names itself and tells their slogan).
Round 1
Teacher: The first contest is “How much do you know about the English Traditions”. You have to answer the questions. For every right answer you will get 1 point to your score.
         When do we celebrate New Year? (31 of December)
         Does Christmas in Ukraine and England coincide? (no)
         What are the most popular holidays in Great Britain? Name them. (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, New year)
         What traditions are connected with Christmas in Ukraine? (singing carols)
         When do we celebrate Christmas? (7 of January)
         Could you please translate the word “carols” into Ukrainian? (колядки)
         How do English families prepare for Christmas holiday? (buy presents, decorate New Year Tree, bake turkey, prepare pudding)
         What is the symbol of England? (the red Rose)
         What is the symbol of Scotland? (the tristle)
         What is the symbol of Wales? (the daffodil)
         What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? (the shamrock)
         What is the national costume of Scotland? (the kilt)
         What is the emblem of Easter? (the rabbit)
          What is the British national drink? (tea)
         What is the national dish of the Britain? (pudding)
Round 2
Teacher: The second contest is to make up a puzzle. You will be given the puzzles of flags of English-speaking countries. Please, make up the pieces of puzzles. You have 3 minutes for it. Every flag is a point for your team.
Round 3

Teachers: Now our guests have a chance to get extra points for their team. Your task is to listen to the riddle and answer it.
The riddles:
         Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (sugar)
         The moon is my father,
Sea is my sister,
I have a billion brothers,
I die when I reach land. ( A wave on the ocean)
         At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen. (Stars)
         What gets wetter as it dries? (A towel)
         What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean? (A blackboard)
         I am not inside a house,
But no house is complete without me.
What am I? (A window)
         Which room has no doors, no windows? (A mushroom)
         What is always coming, but never arrives? (Tomorrow)
         What walks around all day and lies under the bed at night with its tongue hanging out? (Our shoes)
Round 4

Teacher: the forth contest is to guess the holiday. You will be shown some photos and your task is to tell me what is the name of the holiday. Every right answer will give you one point.

Round 5
Teacher: The next contest for you is a test. You have only 3 minutes to do it.
         What is the most important festival of Welsh poetry and music?
         The Edinburgh Festival
         The Rock festival in Liverpool
         What is the Scottish national costume for men?
         the tuxedo 
         the black uniform 
         the kilt 
         the bearskin
         What is the most popular drink in Britain?
         apple juice  
         What is the name for New Year’s Eve in Scotland?
         the evening before New Year
         What do the children usually do at Halloween?
         “trick or treat”
         “sing or dance”
         “give or take”
         “cry or laugh”
         Which holiday is usually celebrated on the 5th of November in the UK?
         Guy Fawkes Day 
         New Year
         What is a “bank holiday”?
         the holiday on the bank of the river 
         public holiday 
         summer holiday
         What is the traditional Christmas song called in Britain?
         “Auld Lang Syne” 
         “Jingle Bells”
         9. When is Halloween celebrated in the UK?
a) on 31st October 
                   b) on 31st November
c) on 31st September 
d) on 31st January
10. Scottish surnames begin with…..
a) O
b) Mac or Mc 
c) de 
d) La
Teacher: Our competition has come to the end and we are thankful to our teams, participants and jury. Please, tell me who is the winner? Thank you for the game, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Моє село. Люди мого села.

" Моє село. Люди мого села."
  Мета: Ознайомити учнів з історією свого села,    цікавими місцями, історичними пам’ятками;
познайомити учнів з талановитими людьми різних професій;
 навчити учнів оперувати новою лексикою; розвивати фонематичний інтонаційний слух; стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію у бесіді;
виховувати в учнів любов до Батьківщини, до рідного краю, любов до праці та повагу до людей праці;
прищеплювати дбайливе ставлення до історичних і культурних пам’яток; культивувати на позитивних прикладах високі моральні якості людини, активну громадянську позицію у житті  суспільства.
На свято запрошено людей села різних професій.
 Обладнання: плакати, фотографії, альбоми з шкільного музею.
 Початок свята (звучить мелодія:" Моє рідне село").
Teacher: Dear children! Dear, guests! We have got a very good tradition to organize English parties in our school. But this party is a special one because it is about our village -  Babchyntsi  .
The pupils have prepared pictures, photos, narrations, learnt poems, songs devoted to our village and people of this very village.
Основна частина.
Boy: My native village, charming land,
         With silver river, golden sand,
        And Dnieper powerful and wide
         Attract my eyes by marvelous sight.
Girl: My native village, lovely place       
With wavy fields of richful grains
With virtuous flowers, so nice
Attract my sight as eyes of doves.
Boy: this is the place I like to roam,
But all the paths lead me home,
Where kids are decent smart and bright
And people generous and kind.
 Boy: My name is Vladic. I live in the village of Babchyntsi. The nature is fantastic here. There are beautiful gardens .  My house is number 61, in Blahovisna street. You are welcome to my village and my house.
Girls( sing the song "Home on the Range”):
     Oh, give me a home,
      Where the buffalo roam,
      Where the deer and the antelope play,
      Where never is heard discouraging word
      And the skies are not cloudy all day.
Refrain: Home, home on the range,
               Where the deer and the antelope play,
               Where never is heard a discouraging word
               And the skies are not cloudy all day.
               Where the air is so pure and so free,
               And the breeze so balmy and light,
               That I would not exchange my home on the range
                For all the cities so bright.
                 How often at night Where are the heavens are bright
                 With the light from the glittering stars
                  Have I stood as amazed, as I asked, as I gazed
                  If their glory exceeds as of our?
                    Oh, give me a land where the bright diamond sand
                      Flows leisurely down the stream,
                      Where the graceful white swan goes gliding along,
                     Like a maid in a heavenly dream.
Boy: (Shows photos of places of interest of Babchyntsi)
I would like to tell you about interesting places in our village. When you come to the centre of the village you will see a big  building. It is our club. On both sides of the club there are buildings too. On the left side stands the church

on the right side stands the school.

Girl: The second monument, which reminds us about the historic battles against fascists is the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. People remember their heroes and often bring flower to the monuments.
Near the park you can see the Cross devoted to the victims of starvation. These historic places remind and warn humanity from horrible mistakes of the past.

Boy: People say, when you know the past, you know how to build the future. At our school museum you would see albums with the photos of war veterans, a lot of historic materials, interesting exhibits of old things, Ukrainian national clothes, embroidery, etc. They help us to learn history and traditions of our village.
Girl: Very interesting and talented people live in Bubchyntsi. Meet my mother. Her name is Larysa Victorivna. She is 35. She works as a bookkeeper in the office of Village Soviet. She is very industrious. Besides her job she does a lot of work about the house. She cooks well. I always help her to bake cakes, pies, make, delicious salads. My mother has her own hobby to play bandore and sing.
(Playing and singing an Ukrainian song "Na Kalyni mene maty kolychala”)
T: We are proud of the families which bring up three or more children. Our mothers… When they have one child they love him or her. When they have two, three, four or more kids their love is spread over all of them. Mother` s love always begins from a cradle song.
Girls: (Sing the cradle song)
            The flaming son has gone to bed.
            It was working all day long.
            The moon and stars put up the guard.
            They`ll shine until the dawn.
Refrain: They will look after you, my child,
               All night up to sunrise,
               As once they cured baby Christ
               Who was born in the holy barn.
                Let`s sleep, my baby, till the morn,
                Let`s tell your dolls "Good night!”
                 Your sleep is sweet, you grow strong.
                 You grow smart and bright.
Refrain: Be blessed, my darling, by the Lord
                And always be with Christ.
                 He loves His children best of all.
                 He gives them happy life.

Boy: We are proud by many people in Babchyntsi who have many different professions and trades. Chornopyshchuk Mykola Fedorovich  lives in our village. He has got a profession of a teacher. This profession is very important and useful. But Mykola Fedorovich  is famous not only for this very thing. He is famous for his anxious struggle for independence of Ukraine. He has got a talent from God to be a poet. As a great patriot he has written many poems which are devoted to our Motherland.
(Chornopyshchuk Mykola  is reading one of his poems.)
Girl: Musicians are always popular and very needed persons, because any concert, any wedding, any festive cannot be held without a musician. Viktor Viktorovych Svidra  is the very person for such ceremonies. He is a boyanist. He accompanies the choir in the club "Rozrada”. He can compose music himself.
He has composed melodies for some songs. Listen to one of it, please.
(Pupils sing the song "An Ideal Person”)
I love my parents and my friends.
I always want to back and help them.
My native home, my native place
Is open wide. And you are welcome!
Refrain: I`ll wait again for dear friends.
               We`ll play, we`ll sing, we`ll go dancing.
                I`ll share all the best I have
               And never will regret for something.
I stick to words what people say:
"What seed one plants, he gets the same.”
"Who does not work, he does not eat.”
Is there a man that you could meet?
Refrain: I strive for work and long for deeds.
               I try to realize my knowledge.
               I search for many useful things,
                   Which serve to all and get acknowledge.
Girl: Fishman is a very useful trade. It is a hard job .People should go to their work in frosty rainy and very often in stormy weather. Yuriy Mykolayovych Klymenko is a fishman. He is very industrious. There are many trades and professions in our village, they are: teachers, carpenters, dressmakers, shopkeepers, shop-assistants, drivers, tractor drivers, agronomists. We should respect all of them.
Teacher: We should remember and respect war veterans, veterans of labor who did everything so that young generation lived in better conditions, so that our village became more beautiful. The task of young people is to be active, to develop themselves, to become very good citizens of our Motherland.



Інтелектуальна гра-змагання «Who knows English best of all?»
Мета:розвивати знання англійської мови та ерудицію учнів, бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою, активізувати розумову діяльність учнів, виявити творчі здібності, сформувати вміння відстоювати свою ідею, погляди, переконання, прийняті рішення. Виховувати любов до англійської мови, сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в групах.
Contest 1
Presentation of the team (Name, emblem, motto)
Contest 2
Who`s the fastest?
Tongue-twister: She sells the seashells I`m sure.
Contest 3
Drawing. Draw a body and write in English all the parts of it.
Contest 4

Anagrams “Sport and Games”
Tennis – s n i n t e                Swimming – m i n g s i m w
Surfing – g i n f u r s            Boxing – x i n o g b
Camping – m c a i p n g       Skating – g t a s k i n
Contest 5
Guessing words “Shopping”
1)Shop, where you can buy meat (butcher`s).
2)Place, where you can buy magazines, newspapers (bookstore).
3)Here you can buy sweets, buns, cakes (baker`s).
4)You can buy fruit there (greengrocer`s).
5)You can buy medicine, pills, mixture there (chemist`s).
6)You can buy pins, handkerchief there (haberdashery).
Contest 6
“Ask and Answer Game”
Ask and answer 5 questions to the picture.
Contest 7
Code Words (the map of Great Britain).
1)5, 14, 7, 12, 1, 14, 4. (England)
2)20, 8, 1, 13, 5, 19. (Thames)
3)19, 5, 22, 5, 18, 14. (Severn)
Contest 8
“British Holidays”
1)Where do the English prefer to live?
2)What is the next holiday after Christmas?
3)On what day do we have many jokes?
4)What is the name of the British flag?
5)What colour  are London buses?
6)What is the symbol of St. Valentine`s Day?
7)When do they celebrate Christmas?
8)Whose speech is broadcast on TV at midnight in New Year?
9)Who brings presents to children at New Year?
10)What is put inside a pudding for luck? (Silver)
Contest 9
1)What is that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? (Today).
2)What is that everybody has seen, but can never see again? (Yesterday)
3)What is it that never uses its teeth for eating? (Comb)
4)We are four brothers living under one roof. Do you know us? (The legs of the table)
5)A thick forest, which grows as fast as it is cut down. (Hair)
6)Without it you couldn`t say a word. (A tongue)
7)My uncle has a brother. He is not my uncle. Who is he? (My father)
8)Who carries his house with him? (A snail)
9)What has a cat, which no other animals have? (kittens)
10)What month has 28 days? (They all have 28 days)
11)What star is not seen in the sky?(A film star)
12)When I eat I live, when I drink I die. (A fire)
Contest 10
Word Changing
Change the words into different ones by adding one letter at the beginning or at the end.
Example: Change a word meaning a place of skating (rink) into what you do when thirsty (drink).
1)Change the reason for umbrellas into a quick means of travel (rain –train).
2)Change something very cold into something used for pudding. (ice – rice).
3)Change a vehicle into a mark left by a wound. (car – scar).
4)Change a scheme into something growing in the garden. (plan – plant).
5)Change a sheet of the water into a little piece of snow. (lake –flake).
Conclusions. Greeting the teams.